Squirrel cage induction motors 4AMU90 series, 100; AIRU112; 4AMU180, 200, 225, 250, 280;, 6AMU 132, 160 have general industrial applications.
Manufactured for delivery to areas with moderate (version U2), tropical (execution T2) and cold (version UHL1) climate. On request, the engines can be manufactured in a marine version (OM2).
Motors are manufactured in the following designs :
– basic design of AIRU, 4AMU, 6AMU (table 1) ;
– with increased slip 4АМСУ (table 2). Used in drives with a high coefficient of inertia, with pulsating load, frequent or heavy starts, reverse;
– with increased starting torque 4АМРУ (table 3) Designed for drives with high static or dynamic shaft torques;
– multi-speed (table 4).
Specifications are given for mains frequency 50 Hz.
Protection class IР54. Insulation class – F.
Executions according to the method of installation in accordance with GOST 2479:
– on paws – IM1081 (for 4AMU 280, – IM 1001);
– flange-mounted – IM2081 (for 4AMU280 – IM2001, IM2011);
– without feet with flange – IM3081 (for 4AMU225, 250 – IM3011, IM3031; for 4AMU280 – IM3011)
On request, the motors can be manufactured with two working shaft ends.
Basic motors, with increased starting torque and multi-speed are designed for operation in S1 mode, with increased slip in S3 mode.
The motors are designed to be powered from an alternating current with a frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz voltage 220/380 In or 380/660 V. At the request of the customer, the motors can be manufactured for other standard mains voltages.
Electric motors have an input device, located on top and can be turned by 180° (for 4AMU280 – cm. Drawing 1).
By agreement with the manufacturer, motors can be manufactured powered by frequency-controlled converters..
Installation, the connecting dimensions of the motors are given in table 5 and on figure 1.
Symbol structure:
6AMU 132M4
6AMU – Series designation;
132 – Height (gauge) axis of rotation of the motor in mm;
M – Installation length of the motor bed;
4 – Number of poles;
Tables with characteristics and figures are given in the attached file
Download those. specifications, overall and mounting dimensions:
Those. characteristics and installation and connection PDF sizes |