In the first half of September, the company will host a seminar on «Electric motors of the VASO7K and AIMM series». The seminar will be attended by representatives of the petrochemical industry, which are the main consumers of these electric motors.
The seminar will consider a wide range of issues related to electric motors of the VASO7K and AIMM series, namely:
– purpose and nomenclature of previous series;
– extended range of modern series;
– additional options for electric motors;
– storage and re-preservation; alternative ways of implementing various protections;
– frequency control of the drive;
– a comprehensive solution for monitoring protection using a controller, etc..
At the moment, the plant's services together with design organizations (OOO «Engineering Center», OUkrNIIIVE) lead to organizational preparation for the seminar.
The need for such seminars is obvious, there is an opportunity to exchange experiences, to voice new ideas and tasks, raise current questions and get comprehensive answers to them, and the most important thing is the close work of the manufacturer and consumers to create a high-quality product, meeting modern market requirements.