WITH 24 on 28 April in Hanover ( Germany ) – the industrial fair HANNOVER MESSE was traditionally held – one of the world's largest high-tech exhibitions, innovations and industrial automation in which NVP "NKEMZ" took part.
This year, honorary partner status of HANNOVER MESSE- 2018 accepted by Mexico.
22 april, in the presence of about 2500 guests, Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and President of the United States of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto, co-opened HANNOVER MESSE.
From year to year, unique opportunities for establishing international contacts are provided here., establishing cooperation, attracting investments and expanding sales markets.
Never before, not presented so much at HANNOVER MESSE, politicians, and corporate executives from the industrial sector responsible for decision making.
HANNOVER MESSE, as in previous years, was dedicated to solutions in the field of introducing digital technologies into the economy and production processes. Exhibitors did not ignore such topics, how the development of the electrical machine-building industry of robotics and artificial intelligence, automation of transportation processes, Green technologies.
According to the organizers, took part in the show about 5 thous. firms from 75 countries of the world.
Representatives of NVP "NKEMZ" held negotiations with both potential consumers of products, and with regular partners, which allowed the company to receive a lot of positive feedback and recommendations about its products and promising new products.